Saturday, 5 May 2007

Life - Journey or Destination?

Once again, as I put my head back and think, or rather should i say make an attempt to think!! I intersect two seemingly different thoughts, one that i had read in a mathematics textbook in 6th grade - "Perfection is a journey, not a destination..." and the second one that life is so mysterious, uncertain and yet the constant search of happiness.

Doesn't it seem ever so elusive?? I came over to england nearly 8 months ago.. and the time seems to have zipped by and there is so much yet to learn, to absorb and to achieve. There is this emotional roller coaster that i ride all the time, with highs on small things and big things and the lows because of expectations, hopeful hopes and sometimes even people.

Although happiness always seems to be sought for in my life, I was beginning to think, that this is the way life is, a continuous race that i am running along with everybody and we are running for different reasons and yet running to the same goal. Also i think although we are running this seemingly crazy race with everyone else and might also seem against every one else - its about running for your own reasons and enjoying the run. Its not about winning but runnning!!

The net conclusion I come to with my shallow analysis, is an increasingly realization that to be happy in life, you have to find joy in running that race, in chasing the goal continuously and understanding that its a journey and not a destination. The happiness lies in the journey and not at the end of it..

Wishing you all luck 'n' love to enjoy the race!

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